Collocations for IELTS – Because / Reasons

In the first tab there are a number of sentences, some of which are correct, and some are incorrect.
Decide which sentences are incorrect, and correct the mistakes
Correct or Incorrect?


The global population has risen dramatically over the last 150 years or so as a result of various reasons.

Going to university after high school may be the best option for school-leavers because of several reasons.          

The global population has risen dramatically over the last 150 years or so as a result of various developments in technology.

Going to university after high school may be the best option for school-leavers because of several factors related to their future careers.          

It is better for young people to go to university for various reasons related to their future careers. 

There are various reasons why it is better to get a job after finishing high school.


More information

There are millions of collocations in English, which is probably the case for most other languages.

You cannot memorise them all, so what can you do?

I suggest you pay attention to what you read and hear, and use active reading and listening.  In other words, repeat what you've just read or heard.  If you repeat it incorrectly, this is your opportunity to learn something.  Add the phrase into Anki.

For more information on collocations, see here



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